
The French Heritage Association is a non-profit organization that was created in 2015 by parents from to:

  • support, encourage and advance the knowledge of French for children enrolled in schools in the United States,
  • increase public awareness of the benefits of learning the French language,
  • support and improve the training of French teachers in the United States,
  • strengthen francophone communities in the United States,
  • work with similar groups at the statewide, national, and international level in order to promote the same goals
  • engage in other activities related to educating the public about the French language.

The French Heritage Association offers French academic classes for children of the Washington DC region enrolled in American schools.

The French Heritage Association supports the organization of the Francophone tennis tournament of the Washington DC region.

The French Heritage Association also sponsors each year a full French-immersion summer camp in the DC region.

The French Heritage Association sponsors a tutoring club to support students from French-speaking families recently relocated in the U.S.

The association needs you to fulfill its mission. You can contact us to find out more about opportunities to support and participate. Thank you!

© 2016-2025 The French Heritage Association, Silver Spring, Md.